USB Weblink device One of the hot new products CD Solutions offers is a USB Weblink device.

These handy little keys can be used as handouts at trade shows,
mailings, or any other time you have an opportunity. The keys
look like a USB drive but when they're inserted into a computer they
simply take the user to a predetermined web page, no matter how deeply the page is buried in your website. This makes
it very easy to track your results from trade show handouts or to
create special offers for customers. By hitting specific pages
on your website they're similar to a QR code on your
smartphone. They have no usable memory in them. They're
programmed to take the user to a specific webpage of your
choosing. Since there's no usable memory in them, they're
Because they take the user directly to your website the information on
that page can always be kept current. No more outdated PDF files or
information. Drive the prospect directly to your website where you
have the best chance of turning a prospect into a customer.
You can use them in direct mail promotions taking prospects to
exactly the items you want to show them
. Or use them with your
investors to take them to your End of Year Reports. Use
them to promote new Product releases. They can be used in direct
mail campaigns and because they're "cool" you can expect a better
response rate and bypass the trash can. The uses for these is
limited only by your imagination and the power of the Internet.
How about a business card that takes someone directly to YOUR personal page on YOUR website?

You can use this to tell them about yourself, or to offer them special
, or just to take them to your company's general website.
It's all up to you but one thing is for certain, the person you give
this card to probably can't help themselves but put it into their
computer and see what happens.
We even have PAPER USB WEBKEYS that can be used in standard mailing promotions. Paper Webkeys work perfectly with
printed materials and are the ideal way for mailings to bridge the gap
between paper and your digital marketing efforts.
You can link your printed materials directly to a web page or dedicated source for your marketed product.
While normal marketing captures your prospects attention, it doesn't give you any feedback as to how much interest there was in the marketing piece, demographics, or lead them to the next action step. With Paper Webkeys you know your marketing is working and your dollars are being well spent.
